My little boy loves Thomas the Tank Engine, and I’m planning to make him a jumper with a train motif on it. But before I knit it, I need some charts.
So that’s what I’ve got for you today. Two free train knitting charts.
Searching Google I was able to find lots of very large motifs, but nothing in either of the middle or small ranges.
So the first is a colourwork/intarsia chart that is 13 stitches wide by 11 stitches tall, as shown in the photo below.

And the second is a smaller 5-stitch tall fair isle type, as shown below.

Each chart has it’s own downloadable PDF that’s completely free. And it’s on a standard A4 sheet of paper, perfect for printing off at home.
Just click either (or both) of the buttons below to download the PDF directly to your device!
Enjoy adding these to your knitting. Remember to come back and let us know how you get on!
Best wishes, Sam xox
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