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Do you get neck and shoulder pain after knitting for a while? This may help.
So a few years ago I started getting shoulder pain after knitting. My shoulders and neck would feel stiff, achey, and it’d feel like that for several hours after. Since I knit every day, this happened every day. I’d then be reluctant to do anything overly active because it hurt.
Then in July 2020 I took part in an online 5 day event. At the start of each session a man named Brian Bradley took us through five easy exercises for a few minutes. They were astoundingly simple, though admittedly I couldn’t do the full amount of repeats to start with.
However within only a few days I started to notice that my shoulders and neck felt freer and more mobile. As well as other joints around my body that I hadn’t even noticed were starting to seize up. So I’d like to share those five easy exercises with you, in the hope that it helps any stiffness or pain you are feeling too.
The below video is of Brian Bradley going through the five exercises. They are amazingly simple, and I do recommend watching the video a couple of times to pick up the small details.
It’s been almost a year since I learnt this routine and I only wish I’d shared it sooner with you. I do this routine every other day, sometimes daily, and it takes a few minutes at the most. As I said though, to start with I couldn’t do the full number of recommended repeats, so I’d split it up and do 10 repeats of each exercise a few times throughout the day until I could build up the full amount.
If you click on the above video you can view more exercises for free on their YouTube channel. What I love most about them though is that they give advice on your posture when doing the exercises, which helps make them more effective. The exercises were designed by a man called Pete Egoscue. He has multiple succesful clinics across the US, and he has written a few books too. I was so impressed by how effective the routine above was that I bought his book called Pain Free.
With some of the extra exercises in the book as and when needed I’ve also noticed that I now have better posture, and I’m able to get up and down from the floor and run around with my little boy with so much ease. It’s wonderful seeing the smile on his face being able to play with him without also worrying about what part of me I might be suffering later on.
If you struggle with neck or shoulder pain after knitting please do consider trying this routine. And I’d love to hear if it helps in other ways too!
Best wishes,
Sam xox