So something happened in the last few days… I learnt to crochet.
Well kind of.
I’ve been capable of a chain for quite some time. But despite several attempts, nothing more has ever cottoned on!
You see… as part of the squares I am making for the Hug in a Blanket charity (see this blog post for more info) I wanted to include some “specials”. And it seems the easiest way to achieve this is to crochet an applique design. So that means learning to crochet.
I’ve wanted to be able to crochet for a long time now. Various colleagues have tried to teach me in the past. I’ve watched YouTube videos. Read tutorials and books. But nothing ever stuck.
One day, browsing the craft books in the Kindle Unlimited section, I came across a book called Granny Square Crochet for Beginners UK (there is a US version too). It’s $1.08 if you don’t have the Kindle subscription. Since it was free as part of my subscription I thought I’d get it and try it out one day.
Well that one day (probably a year ago!) turned into a few days ago. I remembered I had it and found it in my library, dug out a crochet hook and some yarn, and I cast on.

And it has actually stuck this time! Granted, I’ve learnt how to do a chain (wait I already knew that one!) and a treble stitch. And I’ve learnt how to combine them to make a granny square. But this is more than I’ve ever achieved before!
I plan on practising with some more crocheted squares so I can even out my tension, and get the movements to feel a little less robotic!
After that I guess I need to learn some more stitches, though I don’t know what. This world is brand new to me and I need some direction. What stitches do you recommend next? Are there any granny square patterns you are particularly fond of? Please share your thoughts in the comments! Thank you.