Colourwork Tips: Choosing Colours
Discover this one simple tip to make better decisions when choosing colours for colourwork knitting for maximum impact.
Tips & Tricks & Tutorials
How to Beat the Yarn Sales
Learn how yarn sales trigger your prehistoric survival instinct, and how to take back control with one super quick trick!
Tips & Tricks & Tutorials
4 Reasons To Store Your Stash By Yarn Weight
Learn the benefits of storing your stash by yarn weight, and how doing so can reduce your stress levels.
How To Make A Twiddlemuff
Learn how to make a twiddlemuff with this free knitting tutorial and recipe, start using up your leftovers, and make something for charity all at the same time.
Do different temperatures affect your tension and gauge?
A few weeks ago I wrote about a test I did with different knitting needle materials. Last week, here in the UK, we had a few days of scorching hot and humid weather. So I figured it would be a good opportunity to test temperature. I, again, used the same Read more…
Dear acrylic yarn manufacturers…
As you may know, I’m a BIG fan of wool yarns. Especially alpaca! The sustainability. The renewability. The breathability. The…you get the picture. I’m a fan. But this doesn’t mean I won’t use acrylic yarns occasionally. It does have benefits. But one of the biggest misconceptions about acrylic yarn is Read more…
What Is “Pay What You Can”?
The social media streams of the knitting and yarn world over the past few weeks have started to be abuzz with a new phrase. The “pay what you can” phrase and its variations, that are being thrown around are all to do with the idea of “financial inclusivity”. What is Read more…
The Texel Project – A Delay
Hello! It’s been a while since I posted an update on The Texel Project I started a few months ago. With a few designs drafted out, I began knitting with a gorgeous chunky weight yarn (though knitting up closer to an aran tension) I found from World of Wool. And Read more…